
Electra And Maxiford

I am the proud owner of 2 Legend Bichons. I have Legend’s Leading Lady (Electra), now 7 years old and Legend’s Showstopper (Maxiford) just turning 10 months. Legend Bichons are gorgeous!! Beautiful heads and faces and great smiles. But, that is not why I bought them. I train Therapy dogs to make visits to hospitals, nursing homes, schools, etc. Temperament is the most important consideration for me. Legend Dogs are raised in a loving home with normal household noises (vacuum, TV, doorbell, garbage disposal, people dropping in to visit..) and they are calm and well socialized. When I get my Legend puppy, at 10 -12 weeks old, they are ready to start training. No shyness or fear issues – they are happy, healthy and love everyone (especially men…..Thank you Larry!) Our training and finally testing  for Therapy Dogs includes dealing with wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, loud noises, all types of people. With Legend Bichons – they are well prepared to move on to Therapy Dog challenges. People refer to my girls as “aggressively friendly.” They can’t wait to meet new people, sit on laps and give kisses and love. They are everything a Therapy Dog should be. And, they are so smart!!!! My girls do about 30 tricks which absolutely delights all the patients we visit. Along with their Therapy Dog training and visits, my girls have titled in Tricks (Novice, Advanced and Excellent) and Rally (Novice, Advanced and Excellent). And back to how gorgeous Legend Bichons are, they have done commercials for Neiman Marcus, Michaels, JC Penney, Pier 1, AT&T, Belk etc….. Photographers can’t get enough of that beautiful Legend smile. I love Erayna and Larry for breeding the most beautiful, smart, funny, loving Bichons and thank them for trusting me with 2 of them!

Rosie & Taylor

I would like to begin with my introduction to Bichons…my first experience with Bichons started 23 years ago with a puppy we purchased from a pet store in Hillsdale Shopping Center (I know, our first mistake). Her name was Sidney and she was absolutely beautiful!! When she was 3 months old, I started her in puppy classes and that’s when we first noticed her behavior change. She would bite without warning and because of this behavior we had to be very careful of her environments…I even had a private session with Tom Lams, whom she also bite within 15 minutes into our session. We had her for 14 years.Needless to say, we did our homework in our next purchase of a Bichon! We interviewed several Bichon breeders but once we met Erayna Beckman, we knew that it would not only be our first choice in a puppy but also a life-long friend. This is an amazing lady who goes above and beyond in the breeding world. It’s obviously not only my opinion because she was named 2017 Breeder of the Year and certainly deserves this recognition! So in March of 2009, we brought our Rosie into our family and she is beautiful, smart and very loving. My husband retired before we got Rosie, so when I retired in 2012, I wanted another bichon! My husband said NO as he said we have never had 2 dogs before and he said that he didn’t have enough LOVE for another dog – WELL in June of 2012 we brought Taylor home !!! We now both say that we would never be without 2 dogs. They are the loves of our LIFE !! Many thanks of friendship and love to Erayna Beckman, Legend Bichons   -   Tom and Pam Rhodes

Tucker The Dirty Dog

Is my name Digger or Tucker? Tucker, obviously, has settled in well. We are enjoying his puppyhood bar the efforts to potty train him! Jim and Cheri


When we wanted to get another Bichon puppy, I did a lot of research. I was very impressed with the questions asked on the Legend website, and filled out the entire questionnaire. Erayna and I exchanged many emails during the months while we waited for a puppy. It turned out to be longer than we had originally expected;18 months. I became aware of Erayna’s devotion to her Bichons, her thoughtful breeding decisions, and her loving care of the puppies and mom. Our Rigel James is everything we had hoped, and everything a Bichon should be. He is beautiful, healthy, outgoing, and energetic, as well as incredibly smart. We feel very very fortunate to have had the change to deal with such a responsible, communicative and honest breeder.


Thanksgiving is fast approaching and I have been thinking of all of the things that I am grateful for in my life. Many of the things I am grateful for have to do with you and your Bichons. I am grateful for the great care and concern you put into breeding wonderful Bichons. I am grateful for all of your detailed responses to my many many questions. And I am truly grateful to you for our "Macy" (7 months old), who joined our family almost 4 months ago. She is such a special little dog. In fact, not a day goes by that I am not taken by just how wonderful she truly is. She is super smart, easy to train, melts in your arms, attacks her toys with everything she`s got, happily sits on her beanbag chair chewing her stick, and sits and watches deer and turkeys as though she`s studying them. She has fit in perfectly to our life schedule and just seems to know what to do in any given circumstance. She loves everyone she meets and makes a point of meeting everyone she sees. I have never been around a dog like "Macy" before in that she just seems more aware of the world around her, more calm in her disposition, and yet totally full of life. And besides all of this, her beautiful face will melt your heart. So, Erayna, thank you.


"Simon" Good evening, Erayna! Just want to let you know that Simon is /right/ at home here! He has totally captured the hearts of the entire family and has been a total pleasure all-around. He has even been adopted by my Aussie spinster-ladies, although the cats are still acting a bit miffed...Sharon is so in love with him, and it certainly looks like the feeling is mutual: Simon follows her around endlessly, happily wagging his tail and looking for the next exciting thing to happen. I`m sure he is ready to crash out any minute now (Sharon, too), after touring the yard so many times on top of a very big day for him... I found the Chicken Soup food in time for his dinner. That`s a great store! I`m going back for a grooming table (just so you know, I`ll confine my practice to my Aussies so I don`t give him a "hatchet job from Hell" before he ever gets a chance to go out and strut his stuff), but did get him one of those collapsible crates since my old one just didn`t seem good enough for the little guy and a toy, bowl, water-dish, etc. It`s going to be hard not to spoil him - almost as hard as it`s been to stop saying "isn`t he just the cutest thing?"... Well, it`s getting close to bedtime and Sharon`s in the shower so I put him in his crate and Oh! How he`s protesting! I`m sure he`ll survive 10 minutes without her! Thanks again for letting us take him today...he`s really such a joy!

Legend`s Showstopper... Maxiford!!!!!

When I flew out to California to pick my next puppy from 2 of Legend’s 8 week old litters….it was not that difficult a choice.  I knew exactly what I was looking for, a smart, fearless puppy to train to be a Therapy Dog.  Therapy Dogs must be “aggressively friendly” and very trainable.  The little boys in the litters were so busy playing, they didn’t even notice me.  One of the girls was totally occupied with attacking the boy puppies.  And then, there was Maxiford.

When I sat down, she crawled into my lap.  When I held her she gave me the sweetest kisses.  She was very engaged with several toys I brought with me.  Very curious and fearless.  She joined the other puppies for a fierce game of soccer with an empty soda can.

When I walked around the kitchen dangling a toy she followed right along with me.  Anytime I reached my hand towards her, she touched it with her paw.  She was clearly destined to be my next Therapy Dog!  

When she was 12 weeks old, Erayna flew out to Texas with her.

And, training began.  Manners 1, Manners 2, Manners 3 and her first major accomplishment – Canine Good Citizen (CGC).  We did Freestyle classes and trick classes.  Everything Maxiford does, she excels at.  She is a quick learner, focused and fun!!

Therapy Dogs must be 1 year old to test.  Since I already had 3 dogs with the Baylor Hospital program, the Director let us test 1 week short of her 1st birthday (knowing that by the time all the paperwork was filed, she would be 1 year old.)  And, she passed her test!!  At 1 year and 10 days, Maxiford made her first official hospital visit.  No surprise, she charmed patients, doctors, nurses and administrative staff.  She already learned about 20 of the 30 tricks her big sisters know.  She cheerfully gave everyone a “high five,” got tissues from the tissue box, spins, circled backwards around my legs, picked up her leash when I dropped it, and waved bye bye when I said we needed to move on.  Her imitation of a “mean” dog (low growl) drew roars of laughter.

I must also add that between classes and hospital visits, she has already shot 2 commercials.  Her sisters have done ads for Neiman Marcus, JC Penney, Michael’s, ATT…..  clearly Maxiford is following in their adorable paw prints.  She has the Legend Smile and knows how to behave on set.

I would say Maxiford is one in a million, but frankly, she is just another of the well socialized, fearless, sweet, playful and smart Legend puppies.  Larry and Erayna Beckman really know how to prepare puppies for life.  The upbringing they receive from the minute they are born is geared to make them sweet, fun and fearless. It is an unbeatable combination.